An Artist with a radical insight into definitely doing things differently and deconstructing the 'norm'...

About Zoe Partington:
Curating a life less ordinary! using creative and contemporary techniques to challenge the distressed edge of life. Zoe shares a passion for equality particularly in the creative industries and understands the importance of establishing a clear framework of clients’ needs and requirements with a twist of creativity.
A very experienced leader and consultant in her specialist field of cultural inclusion and accessible approaches. A contemporary visual artist who uses her experience of being partially blind and living with a chronic condition for 50 years - to help create a unique perspective with a historical and contemporary research led practice in her art. She develops installations and viscerally powerful-audio visual and tactile representations of Disabled people’s journeys and experiences through landscapes and built environment. Zoe has won several awards and scholarships.
She is currently developing ‘Domestic Landscapes’ funded by Arts Council England.
An International conceptual artist specialising in ‘Disability Art’ practice through 3D dimensional and installation art works. Experienced at working with Curators and gallery teams.
A specialist in creative audio description and inclusive approaches in the arts.
Working predominately as a researcher, auditor and creative equality trainer across business and cultural institutions, museums and galleries to develop their skills and experience for meeting the needs of disabled visitors. Zoe assisted with the training of the staff at Westonbirt Arboretum over the past 18 months - a project led by Dr.Sarah bell at the University of Exeter in collaboration with Westonbirt Arboretum, Arts Shape, Harriet west and Natural Inclusion, Andy Shipley.